Europese scholen in Duitsland

The Municipal Education of Antwerp was represented by the coordinator internationalization during the study visit in Essen. Principals, coordinators and policy makers were invited by Jo Keferstein from the Ministry of Nordrhein Westfalen to visit some of the 180 European Schools of this region.

The schools have to achieve five criteria to be a European school: teaching of more than 2 foreign languages, CLIL- education (Content and Language Integrated Learning), participation to European projects, inclusion of the European dimension in several subjects and be representative as European ambassador for other schools.

The added value for students, teachers and parents was obvious, especially for the vocational schools within the dual education system. They got the opportunity to organize valuable apprenticeships abroad and to guarantee employment in European countries. This European quality certification doesn’t exist in other countries although several schools all over Europe fulfill the criteria. The Ministry of Nordrhein Westfalen offers his knowhow and large network to the interested schools.  During the study period, the participants visited international companies and sponsor organizations involved in the outplacement of students. It was a very interesting and well organized European funded project. Participants learnt to know each other’s education system and created a network  to start European projects. 

europa schule, internationale projecten, europese samenwerking